This is one of Xu Bing’s earlier landscript paintings and the forms of the characters are very clear, for example 木 tree and 石 stone. The fact that every part of the landscape is written with a character resembling its meaning represents a progression from the small sketches he drew in Helsinki (see LI2007.65-70), in which characters with only slight pictorial content function as labels rather than visual representations.
Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 28 February-19 May 2013, Xu Bing Landscape/Landscript: Nature as Language in the Art of Xu Bing, Shelagh Vainker, ed. (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2013), no. 74 on p. 134, p. 117, illus. pp. 134-135 fig. 74 & p. 192 fig. 2
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