Eastern Art Online, Yousef Jameel Centre for Islamic and Asian Art

Ashmolean − Eastern Art Online, Yousef Jameel Centre for Islamic and Asian Art

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Heart-shaped bezel amulet from a bracelet, with naskhi inscription

  • loan


    • currently in research collection

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Publications online

  • Islamic Seals and Talismans by Ludvik Kalus

    Catalogue of Islamic Seals and Talismans

    Bracelet composed of three elements: central (I), on the left side (II), on the right side (III), in an enamelled setting with inscriptions (IV).

    II - Cornelian (?), in enamelled metal setting; bezel; oval, pointed in the middle of the superior side. Script ensemble consisting of four levels of script; cursive script; engraved.

    There is no god but God, the King, the Truth, . . . (the Manifest One) [sic for لا اله الا الله الملك الحق البقين [المبين

    There are some small decorative motifs representing, very schematically, a flower. One line follows the shape of the gem.

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