Eastern Art Online, Yousef Jameel Centre for Islamic and Asian Art

Ashmolean − Eastern Art Online, Yousef Jameel Centre for Islamic and Asian Art

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Gamō Sadahide’s Retainer, Toki Motosada, Hurling a Demon King to the Ground at Mount Inohana in Kai Province

  • Description

    It is not known where Yoshitoshi found the story for this print, but Yoshitoshi’s series ‘One Hundred Ghost Stories of China and Japan’ contains a similar design with a short explanation, although the names used are slightly different. In this explanation, a certain Gamō Ujiue sets up camp near Mount Inohana in Kai Province. One of his officers, Toki Daishiro, hears of strange happenings at an old temple in the neighbourhood. Investigating the temple late at night, he sees many strange phantoms, including a ferocious-looking temple guardian. Toki grapples with this figure and throws it to the ground, whereupon all the apparitions vanish.

  • Details

    New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts
    Associated place
    AsiaJapanHonshūKantōTōkyō prefecture Tōkyō (place of creation)
    AsiaJapanHonshūKantōTōkyō prefecture Tōkyō (place of publication)
    probably 1890
    Meiji Period (1868 - 1912)
    Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892) (designer)
    Associated people
    probably Sasaki Toyokichi (active 1889 - 1892) (publisher)
    Material and technique
    mount 55.5 x 40.3 cm (height x width)
    print 39 x 23 cm (height x width)
    Material index
    Technique index
    Object type index
    No. of items
    Credit line
    Presented by George Grigs, Miss Elizabeth Grigs, and Miss Susan Messer, in memory of Derick Grigs, 1971.
    Accession no.

Past Exhibition

see (1)


    • currently in research collection

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