Eastern Art Online, Yousef Jameel Centre for Islamic and Asian Art

Ashmolean − Eastern Art Online, Yousef Jameel Centre for Islamic and Asian Art

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Textile fragment with rings and quatrefoils


    • currently in research collection

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Publications online

  • Indian Block-Printed Textiles in Egypt: The Newberry Collection in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

    Indian Block-Printed Textiles in Egypt: The Newberry Collection in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

    White rings and quatrefoils, linked to create a continuous pattern. The resist defines the design, the background is blue.

    Selvedge. Possibly there is an intentional differentiation between light and dark blue areas, which would set every second row of rings at the centre of a dark blue area, with four thin petals attached. This quadripartite division could be seen as the simplest version of a pattern that finds its elaboration in the four-petalled rondels with ambiguous reading, as in Cat. no. 1092 [EA1990.1099].

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