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The Newberry Collection of Islamic Embroideries

An unpublished catalogue of the Ashmolean’s collection of Islamic embroideries from Egyptologist Percy Newberry, by Ruth Barnes and Marianne Ellis.

The Newberry Collection of Islamic Embroideries by Ruth Barnes and Marianne Ellis

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Textile fragment with eight-pointed stars

  • Literature notes

    A central field has eight-pointed stars outlined in blue, each with a small cross at the centre; the stars are spaced widely apart. The field has two border bands with diagonally placed compartments embroidered in stepped double running stitch; these are filled alternately with fine tendrils in dark blue, and with horizontal angular S-shapes or four-armed spirals outlined in dark blue against a background of light blue embroidery.

    All dark blue embroidery is worked in double running stitch, while the light blue embroidery is done in very fine darning running stitch worked over one thread.
  • Details

    Associated place
    Africa Egypt (find spot)
    AfricaEgyptCairoCairo Fustat (possible find spot)
    Near East (place of creation)
    10th - 15th century AD
    Material and technique
    linen, embroidered with dark-blue and light-blue thread, possibly flax
    16 x 17.5 cm max. (warp x weft)
    26 / 24 threads/cm (thread count)
    ground fabric 0.04 cm (thread diameter)
    additional fibre, embroidery 0.03 cm (thread diameter)
    Material index
    organicvegetalfibreflax linen,
    organicvegetalfibre flax
    Technique index
    Object type index
    No. of items
    Credit line
    Presented by Professor Percy Newberry, 1941.
    Accession no.
  • Further reading

    Barnes, Ruth and Marianne Ellis, ‘The Newberry Collection of Islamic Embroideries’, 4 vols, 2001, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, cat. vol. iii, illus. vol. i


    • currently in research collection

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Publications online

  • The Newberry Collection of Islamic Embroideries by Ruth Barnes and Marianne Ellis

    The Newberry Collection of Islamic Embroideries

    A central field has eight-pointed stars outlined in blue, each with a small cross at the centre; the stars are spaced widely apart. The field has two border bands with diagonally placed compartments embroidered in stepped double running stitch; these are filled alternately with fine tendrils in dark blue, and with horizontal angular S-shapes or four-armed spirals outlined in dark blue against a background of light blue embroidery.

    All dark blue embroidery is worked in double running stitch, while the light blue embroidery is done in very fine darning running stitch worked over one thread.

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